Engineering & Consultancy Service

We provide both engineering and consultancy service. We plan and implement the solution together with you.

As TR 43:2015 standard certified Management Consultants, we are able to provide professional advice to improve your current business processes. Different from other consultants we are engineers who are able to provide technical and engineerig advices on improving the processes as well as design and supply mechanised and automation equipment.


We have a team from diverse expertise

Management and Engineering Consultancy

Provide management and engineering consultancy to improve business processes.

With our engineering background, we are able to provide practical and feasible recommendations on ways as well as suitabe mechanised and automation equipment to improve existing processes. This will allow businesses to acquire new / improved capabilities and better compete in global competition.

CDG Grant Application

As TR43:2015 standard certified consultants, we are able to assist you with CDG grant application.

CDG Grant application process varies very much on businesses' project scope and requirement. This is where our expertise comes in to help you with improving the business processes and the CDG grant application. So your business can improve your business processes and stay competitive in the new economy.

Equipment Design & Supply

Every business process is different and seldom there's standard equipment out there that can perfectly fit the improved process. Usually, the equipment has to be customised to the business' need. This is why a consultant with engineering knowledge is vital for successful implementation.

Depending on the business process, we will recommend improvements. In various cases, a mechanised equipment or automation equipment is required. Seldom standard equipment perfectly fit the process. This is where our engineer steps in to provide engineering advice, design and customise the equipment that matches your business process.

One Stop, One Accountability

We are not consultant who only 'tells' you what needs to be done. We provide the solution and implement together with you.

Are you tired of consultants who only speak of a solution, but does not have practical engineering knowledge to back it up? Our engineer will work closely with you to come with feasible and implementable solution to improve your business process. One Vendor, One Stop, One Accountability.